- total installed water horsepower 250000HHP
- Annual service capacity exceeds1600 layers
- Cumulative operations exceeded8500 layers
- Minimum operating temperature -40℃(Nyakan, Russia) -40℃

Business profile
We have developed internationally-advanced fracturing technologies and have been equipped with world-class fracturing equipment and tools. This allows us to provide integrated geological and engineering services systematically for oil and gas fields from fracturing engineering design and fracturing treatment to post-fracturing evaluation and reservoir stimulation. We have successively provided engineering services for oil and gas clients in Xinjiang Oilfield (tight oil and shale oil), Qinghai Oilfield, Tuha Oilfield, Yanchang Oilfield, Changqing Oilfield, Jiangsu Oilfield, Guizhou CBM, China Union Coalbed Methane Shanxi CBM, Sichuan & Chongqing shale gas blocks, Missan Oilfield in Iraq, Halfaya Oilfield in Iraq, Marisu Oilfield in Kyrgyzstan, and oilfields in Nyagan and Valyegan, Russia.
Capacity of Service
We have 8 experienced fracturing teams with 131 sets of truck-mounted fracturing units of various specifications and supporting equipment. Our equipment can provide over 200,000 hydraulic horsepower and pump fluids at 20m3/min at a treatment pressure of up to 120MPa. This capability can meet the needs for stimulating conventional and unconventional reservoirs both domestically and internationally. Annually, we are capable of treating about 1600 wells/formations.
Coiled tubing:
10 experienced service teams are equipped with injector heads capable of pulling 80,000lbs, 100,000lbs and 140,000lbs.
We are equipped with 8000m 2.375 " coiled tubing drums and 10,000psi and 15,000psi imported BOPs.
Our coiled tubing units apply to >7000m high-temperature gas wells.
Core advantage Technology
Fracture Acidizing: High-strength intensive cluster fracturing, CO2 prepad/energizing/foam fracturing, highly-efficient nanoemulsion imbibition and displacement, comprehensive treatment of old wells through stimulation and injection, temporary plugging and diverting fracturing, sand jet perforating and CT-conveyed fracturing, multistage fracturing with full-bore multistage sliding sleeves, fracturing with nano viscosity-variable slick water, production profile monitoring with quantum tracer, fiber optic monitoring on fractures and production profiles, and wide-area electromagnetic fracture monitoring.
Coiled Tubing: Fiber optic logging, bridge/cement plug millout for high-pressure wells, fishing in complex wells, standard velocity string operation, CT-conveyed fracturing, plug drillout for low-pressure and leaky wells, stuck pipe freeing, sliding sleeve shifting with CT, and CT pickling.
Typical Case
Aciding & coiled-tubing project in Missan oilfield, Iraq
Integrated CT Acidizing, Gas Lift and Flowback (2014 - present)
2 sets of coiled tubing units have completed a total of 392 jobs.
Integrated Fracturing Package Project (2022 - present)
8ea 2500HP truck-mounted fracturing units and supporting equipment have completed 25 jobs.
Xinjiang Oilfield
Bridge Plug Millout, CT-conveyed Fracturing, CT Cleanout, Perforating, Sand Flushing and Fishing (2017 - present)
4 sets of coiled tubing units have completed a total of over 515 jobs (as of December 2024).
Milled out bridge plugs for multiple high-pressure and high-gas-content wells, completed fishing and well-killing operations for emergency wells, and solved complex borehole problems for over ten wells.
Southwest Shale Gas, China
Fracturing, Bridge Plug Millout, Perforating, Logging, Sand Flushing and Fishing (2019 - present)
16 truck-mounted fracturing units and 3 sets of coiled tubing units.
Completed a total of over 568 jobs (as of February 2024).
Developed the fracturing and coiled tubing stimulation technologies for shale gas wells under high pressure, and established standard operation procedures.
Customer Praise
Karamay Project
Won the "Excellent Management Project Department, Advanced Process Technology Unit, Advanced Production Safety Unit, Excellent Operation Team" awarded by Western Drilling and Testing Company (2019)
Tuha Project
Tuha project department won the "Fight Against The Gobi To Establish The Brand Of Oil Service, Eliminating All Difficulties To Help Increase Oilfield Production" pennant (2019)
Kyrgyzstan project
Won the "Kyrgyzstan Oil and Gas Field Development Great Contribution Award" awarded by Kyrgyz national oil company and Trade Union (2019)