科瑞石油技术 科瑞石油技术

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Products and Services


  • for construction experience in the field of gas stimulation23 years
  • Nitrogen service teams 100+
  • High purity PSA nitrogen generation equipment99.9%
  • Annual gas injection capacity 8 million standard cubic meters

Business profile

Since 2001, we have been engaged in the technical research and application of nitrogen, natural gas, carbon dioxide and foam fluids to enhance the oil recovery of mature oilfields. We have independently developed the composite gas EOR technology, covering the energizing and stimulation of carbonatites using nitrogen, low-permeability waterflood stimulation, heavy oil viscosity reduction and cold recovery, temporary plugging and sweep expansion with foam, and liquids unloading for gas recovery. This technology has been applied by 13 oil companies in China, including SINOPEC Northwest Oilfield Branch Company, CNPC Tarim Oilfield Branch Company and Tuha Oilfield Branch Company, as well as 11 countries, such as Colombia, Kazakhstan and Albania.

Capacity of Service

  • 23 years for construction experience in the field of gas stimulation       

    100+ Nitrogen service teams

    110+ Total number of equipment

    99.9% High purity PSA nitrogen generation equipment

    70MPa The world's first ultra-high pressure n itrogen

    Annual gas injection capacity of 800 million standard cubic meters

Core advantage Technology

Assistive Technologies:

Nitrogen foam cleanout

Fluids unloading for gas recovery

Nitrogen replacement/purging

Natural gas boosting and reinjection

Cyclic gas injection in condensate gas reservoir

UBD with nitrogen

EOR Technologies:

Energizing and stimulation with nitrogen

Nitrogen foam displacement

Foam-assisted thermal recovery

Three-phase composite displacement

Heavy oil viscosity reduction and cold recovery

Composite water injection for oil recovery

CO2 Huff-n-Puff/CO2 displacement

Typical Case