科瑞石油技术 科瑞石油技术

Shandong kerui petroleum technology co.,ltd. won the "Kyrgyzstan Oil and Gas Field Development Great Contribution Award" awarded by Kyrgyz national oil company and Trade Union.

Update time:2019-09-14 16:24   views:2504

Shandong kerui petroleum technology co.,ltd. Kyrgyzstan Branch were invited to join in a large Petroleum Festival Award Session which held by Kyrgyz national oil company and Trade Union in Sep. 14th, 2019, Ministry of Kyrgyz Internal Affairs, Chairman of Jalal-Abad Trade Union, CEO of Kyrgyz national oil company, and representatives of other departments & companies participated the meeting, Shandong kerui petroleum technology co.,ltd. won the "Kyrgyzstan Oil and Gas Field Development Great Contribution Award" in this meeting.